
Monday, February 7, 2011

The Short List

  • Protests in Egypt enter their third week as the protesters try to keep momentum.  Vice President Suleiman has held meetings with around fifty Egyptian leaders, including members of the Muslim Brotherhood.  The view of Egypt from Iran is contradictory as Ayatollah Khameni says the protests are a reflection of anti-Americanism, but the remnants of the Iranian opposition have petitioned to demonstrate in solidarity with the Tunisian and Egyptian people.  Meanwhile, The Economist considers which member of the Arab League is most likely to be next in the string of protests.  **Editorial Note:  I'm encouraged that discussions of transition are underway.  It would seem to suggest we won't face a situation with a power vacuum.**

  • South Sudanese troops  mutinied when told to redeploy north, killing fifty people.  This could likely be the first instance of violence as Sudan is set to separate.  President Bashir says he will accept South Sudan's secession.

  • The U.S. is arming local militias in Afghanistan, picking sides in a way that would foment resentment.

  • AOL will buy The Huffington Post for $315 million, $300 million in cash.  If someone would like to make an offer to buy DCExile, please said offer in the comment section.

  • President Obama sat down with Bill O'Reily at the White House last night before schmoozing with J.Lo.

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