- Despite the House vote on Libya today--and in spite of GOP declarations of a stalemate in Libya last night--Libyan rebels made more advances today, taking another town in western Libya and threatening to finally wrest control of Brega. Meanwhile, Speaker Boehner threatened to take on a War Powers fight he will likely (doubtlessly?) lose.
- Jon Huntsman announced today that he will announce his 2012 run for the presidency next week.
- An effort to cut the Ethanol subsidy failed to earn enough votes to actually come to the floor.
- A federal district court judge in California ruled that against Proposition 8 proponents today, holding that Judge Vaughn Walker's ruling would stand, despite his long-term same-sex relationship.
- The Washington Post fact-checks last night's GOP debate. It's well worth the read.
- The wildfire in Arizona, burning since Memorial day, is now the largest in Arizona's history.
While it's pretty damn sad that only 34 Republicans voted to end the ethanol subsidy, it's beyond pathetic that only 7 Democrats did so.
It's worse than that, Colin. Nobody cast a vote to end the subsidy, it was merely a cloture motion.
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